Wednesday, April 7, 2010


##append previous HAM changes here##

HAMchange 5:
    switched PCI-E power cords from the main bundle to seperate cords. Tried booting to safe mode, got APC_INDEX_MISMATCH Stop 0x01

HAMchange 6:
    switched Power Options from Balanced to High Performance. Booted fine, stable for 10 minutes. Opened irk, wow, xena s1e01 in vlc, rp in itunes, ran AH scan in wow, alt-tabbed a bit more,, explored hard drives. Noticed one of them was unplugged though, fixing that now.

HAMchange 7:
    wouldn't POST, hit reset, wouldn't POST, suddenly the case fan took off like a turbine. Opened it up so I could see the code on the board, booted fine. Still no hard drive. Decided to check windows update quick, saw some optional updates i didn't notice before- acer display, saitek cyborg, and realtek pcie family controller. grabbed them, shut down. Noticed sata cable was unplugged from the psu, don't know how that happened, suspect gremlins, gnomes or pebkac. Plugged back in, rebooted fine.

HAMtest 2:
    running Windows Experience assessment as a minitest. no problems, shutting down and putting case back together. Booting back up. Was stable for 15-20 minutes. Then Windows Explorer stopped working. After the whole process of report and wexplorer restarted, about a minute later bsod SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 0x0000003B. Going to swap out cards with the one in HAL to rule out a gpu problem. Really thinking it's my psu right now. Giving up for the night.

HAMsearch: I am not the only person having a problem with this ram and mobo combo. Need to check version number on the ram itself, but from what i have read there, i am likely RMAing it and getting something betterer. Also going to set BIOS back to defaults and try running it.

HAMchange 8:
    set memory frequency back to auto, booted fine. going to run it as normal for a while, then run prime95. Still stable after 2 hours or so of normal use. Now 4 hours of normal use with no issues.

HAMchange 9:
    set memory frequency one step up to 2:10 (1333Mhz). Booted fine, will continue monitoring and using as normal. Stressing with prime95 after at least 1 hour of uptime. Running fine for about 3.5 hours now. Don't know if i need to run prime95 or not really. Will let it go a bit more and then bump up to 1600 again and see if it starts crashing.

HAMchange 10:
    set memory frequency back up to 2:12 (1600Mhz). Booted fine, etc etc. Running prime95. Well, it passed a very short test. But Still. Also trying to crash it right now and just can't get it to.

HAMtest 3:
    *tried* to crash it. running irk, itunes, wow, tf2, steam, tweetdeck all at the same time. both games running absolutely fine, itunes running fine. opened up explorer windows, alt-tabbed through everything really fast, kept prime95 running, everything. I rebooted to safe mode to run avast uninstaller and then rebooted to windows, uninstalled the rest of avast through remove programs, then had to restart again to finish the uninstall and it crashed twice trying to reboot.

HAMchange 11:
    changed QPI PLL from 1.1 to 1.2, IOH VCORE from 1.1 to 1.2, BSOD 0x7F, changing back

HAMobs 1:
    removal of avast maybe? it scanned rootkit whenever on startup, no crashes since i removed it, fingers crossed.

HAMobs 2:
    stable for 5+ days since avast removal- think that did it.

HAMobs 3:
    stable for 9 days, shut down to go Away for 2 days. Came back, powered up, BSOD. Restart, BSOD 0x0000003D atapi.sys INTERRUPT_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, restart to Startup Repair, BSOD 0x3B SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, Reboot forced Startup Repair, Repair hung and would not complete after 5-10 minutes, reboot, BSOD 0x7E, reboot, logged in, used for 5-10 minutes, BSOD 0x00000050

HAMchange 12:
    going to reinstall 7.

HAMobs 4:
    came back from Pittsburgh (4 days) and started up and it won't boot at all, even into safe mode. Errors all over the place, Tried reinstalling 7, hung on Setup is starting... for 10-15 minutes, reset, ran memory diag from disk, crashed with 0x24, ran chkdsk from disk, no problems, running chkdsk /r now.

HAMtest 4:
    chkdsk /r came back with no problems, running WD's disk utility, extended test

HAMtest 5:
    disk utility extended test came back clear, running memtest with a stick in slot 1. Going to try moving it to slot 2 after a few passes, but the mobo manual specifically says it won't run in that configuration. Will test other two sticks accordingly.

HAMobs 5:
    first stick passed 5 passes in slot 1

HAMobs 6:
    5 passes in slot 2 as well, started 3

HAMobs 7:
    slot 3 passed all 5, stopping for the night, starting next stick tomorrow

HAMtest 6:
    stick 2, slots 1-3

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